Shift Yourself

Freedom, growth and joy, even with invisible illness!

Do you suffer from an invisible illness?
 Are you ready to live the life you want instead of the one your body's forced upon you?
 If so, welcome! You’re in the right place!

What is an invisible illness?

An invisible illness is any medical condition that isn't easily visible to others. This includes chronic physical conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, PCOS, etc. — but also mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety. 
You know, anything where people say to you, "But you look normal!" (Insert angry emoji's here)
Ready for things to be better!?!?

Here's the answer to your asking...

Shift Yourself

Freedom, growth and joy, even with invisible illness!

A life-changing, easy-to-use online course that will supercharge your healing and teach you how to design a life you love!

Hermetic Principles

Learn the ancient wisdom about who you really are, how powerful you truly are, and what you can do to heal yourself once and for all.


An ancient practice for thousands of years, learn the advanced cutting edge secrets to supercharge your recovery.

Shadow Work

What stays in the shadows can wreak havoc on your system. Learn how to bring it to the light and release it for good.

Physical health

Mindset work is key, but learning the fundamentals of diet, exercise and sleep are crucial as well, and not as easy as you may think with so much conflicting info out there.


The Achilles heel of so many women, learn how to create healthy relationships with everyone in your life that will calm your system down and enhance your healing.

Designing Your Dream Life

What do you really want out of life?
It's time to go after it now, with or without pain. Learn how to dive deep into your desires and bring them to life

This is for you if...

  • You have so much inside to share with the world but don’t have the energy due to chronic pain or invisible illness 
  • You’re so sick of people saying ‘but you look great’ when you try and share what you’re dealing with  
  • You’re jealous of what others are achieving, but don’t believe you can do anything worthwhile until you’re 100% healthy  
  • You’re constantly fantasizing about the day you will no longer be in pain so you can finally live your life  
  • You’ve maybe even dreamt of the release that death would bring, though you desperately want to live and enjoy this life  
  • You feel alone because no one knows exactly how you feel inside your body or your mind  
  • You’ve lost romantic or personal relationships because you’re “too much to handle”  
  • You have an impact to make on the world and you're committed to things being different 

Meet Your Transformational Coach!

Hello!! My name is Emily Shaules, and I’m the Executive Director of the Julian Ranch Wellness Retreat Center, as well as the creator of this Shift Yourself course. Using the techniques and tools I will teach you, I’ve gotten off the 25 pills a day I was on by age 30 and followed my bliss to become an attorney, professional actress, and health food company founder/CEO. All of this while dealing with and healing from various invisible illnesses like fibromyalgia, ulcerative colitis, IBD, SIBO and mast cell activation.

However, what I’m even more proud of is leading others through their own journey of self-discovery and transformation. I understand what it’s like to be in constant pain and want to help you step into your next, more aligned incarnation. If this sounds like you, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain by joining me for Shift Yourself. Let’s Do This!

Shift Yourself includes 6 modules with Emily at the helm, sharing all her knowledge and gifts for transformation and integration.

Hear what Emily’s coaching clients have to say:

Krista Tortora

Actor, Singer/Songerwriter, Voiceover Artist

“Working with Emily left me with a clarity and positivity that allow me to recognize my own power to create whatever change in my life I desire. I highly recommend working with her. You’ll be more than glad you did.”

Monique Morris

Founder & CEO of Intuitive Art Processing

“What my heart took away mostly from our time together was her compassion for me; her authentic love for others is rare to come by. I cherish the time I got to spend with her and notice a huge up level in my life after working with her. Before working with Emily my life was all over the place, she provided simple tools to center and ground me in my truth. I’m immensely grateful for how she was a huge part of my awakening and where I’m at today!”

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. I have learned that the root of all invisible illness is similar and this program addresses those roots. Clients with various invisible illnesses, from chronic depression and anxiety, to chronic pain and autoimmune disease have reported improvements and full on recovery using the principles and techniques in this course.

Totally. I know that you have a lot on your plate. Somedays just showering is a full day, am I right? So you can go through Shift Yourself and implement the lessons at your own pace because you have lifetime access.

Sorry, but no. I'm not a doctor and as we know, even doctors can't guarantee anything. Also, your thoughts, beliefs and actions are what lead to your healing and those are 100% in your control, not mine. What I can promise you is that if you implement the lessons in Shift Yourself and apply them consistently, over time you will feel better. You may not get to 100% in this lifetime, but wouldn’t an 80% improvement be welcome?!?

Course Pricing


4 payments of

$111 USD

per month

  • 4 installments of $111 each

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Most popular


$399 USD

  • Heal your mind, body and soul from invisible illness.

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We believe Black Lives Matter and we stand for LGBTQIA+ & BIPOC rights. We celebrate and welcome all intersectional identities - from neurodivergence to disabilities and everything in between - because we know what makes you different is your superpower. We encourage you to join our community if you share these values.